Thank you Peter



Thomas Gimblet

347 643 3194


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: output of dfsmsrm query lib invent all


>From DFSMS/VM Messages and Codes GC24-6088-00


FSM2181I Category Name Volume PI MQ EP EJ MP UL MM ME CLASS TYPE

Explanation: This message is the second line of the report header for
the QUERY LIBRARY INVENTORY command. The column headers are defined as

PI Volume is present in library, but is inaccessible. 

MQ Volume is mounted or queued for mount. 

EP Volume is eject pending. 

EJ Volume is in the process of being ejected. 

MP Volume is misplaced. 

UL Volume has an unreadable label or is unlabeled. 

MM Volume has been used during manual mode. 

ME Volume has been manually ejected. Class Class of volume. 

Type Type of media.

System Action: DFSMS continues operation. 

Library Administrator Response: None. 

Suggested Action: None.


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Gimblet, Tom
Sent: August 5, 2009 13:46
Subject: output of dfsmsrm query lib invent all




   When I issue the command dfsmsrm query lib invent all the second line
of the output reads


FSMBCJ2181I Category Name                    Volume PI MQ EP EJ MP UL MM
ME Class type



  What does the PI MQ EP EJ MP UL MM and ME  mean?





Thomas Gimblet

347 643 3194



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