I did a SHARE presentation once that included comparing Unix & CMS Pi
pelines. I will see if I can find 

The primary difference is not that CMS Pipes are two-dimensional, but tha
t CMS Pipes lets you split a 
stream, perform different manipulations on the separate sub-pipes, and th
en join the streams and 
have the records come out in the original order. (Provided, of course, th
at your manipulations do not 
delay the record.) 

Unix pipes do not necessary pass a record at a time, and I know of no joi
n stage that will put the 
streams back together in the original order. You could, of course, add a 
record number to each 
record, and then sort on the record number at the end, but that will perf
orm very poorly on large 

Alan Ackerman
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com 

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