Sorry sent too quick. If you want to continue to use this method I would
change the mail system to use volumes 4506-450D and then use 4701-4708
as the flash copies and then VM will always grab 4506-450D.


Jim Dodds

Systems Programmer

Kentucky State University

400 East Main Street

Frankfort, Ky 40601

502 597 6114


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Dodds, Jim
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: Using FDR Instant Backup to make FlashCopies


I can only think of 2 ways that could have happened. One is that the VM
system got reIPLed and grabbed the 4506-450D volumes because they had
the correct volser and were the 1st one found.  If the system did not
get reIPLed then somehow something (FDR?) released volumes 4701-4708
from the system and attached volumes 4506-450d to the system. This is
normally done by the following commands DET 4701 SYSTEM and ATTACH 4506


Jim Dodds

Systems Programmer

Kentucky State University

400 East Main Street

Frankfort, Ky 40601

502 597 6114


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Karl Kingston
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 2:13 PM
Subject: Using FDR Instant Backup to make FlashCopies


We're running a Domino mail server under z/Linux under z/VM.   Volumes
are full-pack volumes and are dedicated to the VM guest when we autolog
the guest.    Dedicates are in the form of "DEDICATE 1500 VOLID xxxxx". 

This has worked well for us. 

For backing this system up, we use FDR from the z/OS side to backup.
Of course, the linux system is down when we do this so we can get a
clean copy. 

Since we're using 8 3390-27's to hold our mail files, our backup window
is about 2 hours. 

In an effort to reduce the size of the window, we used FDR to Flashcopy
these volumes to other DASD.    And then backup these DASD. 

My understanding is when using FDR to flashcopy, it will change the
VOLSER for the target devices (can't vary them online to z/OS). 

Our VOLSERS are LEMAI1 - LEMAI8.     Reside on units 4701-4708.   
Our flashcopy targets are on 4506-450D. 

This scenario worked for several weeks until yesterday.   When we
autologged the guest machines,  somehow they grabbed 4506 and 4507.
(I'm assuming somehow the volsers got changed?) 

Has anybody had any experience with doing something like this? 
Any idea why z/VM assigned 4506-4507? 
Correct me if I'm wrong, but z/VM will take the first device it finds
matching a VOLSER? 

What can we do to remedy this?   Is this even a good idea? 


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