Thanks Alan,  I am going to contact to our contact of IBM to ask for
information to the product.

2009/9/16 Alan Altmark <>

> On Wednesday, 09/16/2009 at 06:21 EDT, Victor Ochoa Avila
> <> wrote:
> > Is correct Alan, I have a problem with ISPF/PDF, when run the command
> >
> >
> >
> > ************************************************************************
> > ***  < AMPXLVEC TXTLIB > not found.
> > ***  This file is required to continue with the installation.
> > ***  Please verify that PASCAL has been previously installed
> > ***  and rerun the FLMSAVE exec.
> > ************************************************************************
> >
> > *** Save of ISPF/PDF SCLM aborted.
> >
> >
> > For this reason i ask for the Pascal files......
> Victor, ISPF/PDF SCLM is documented to have two pre-reqs
> VS Pascal Library (5668-717)
> VSE/VSAM for VM (book says 5746-AM2, but it was replaced by 5686-081)
> z/VM does NOT have 5668-717 pre-installed.  It has only the runtime needed
> by the IBM-provided TCP/IP clients and servers.  If you want the full
> runtime environment, you need to purchase it.
> Further, VSE/VSAM for VM is not available if you don't already have it,
> having been withdrawn in 2005. (Service was discontinued in 2007.)
> Bottom line: You can't install the SCLM component of ISPF/PDF unless (a)
> you buy the full Pascal RTL, and (b) you already have a license for VSAM.
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

Victor Hugo Ochoa Avila
z/OS & z/VM systems programmer
Mexico, City.

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