Hi Marcy,

Your supposition about needing distinct SSL server virtual machines for e
stack is correct.

> But can they share /etc/gskadm/Database.kdb ? I can't see why not.

Yes, the various SSL servers all can share the same key database.

> And..  If I've done that, can they use the same cert?
> Or am I just dreaming?

Yes, they can each make use of the same certificate(s)...
(No, you're not dreaming).  The ability to share a common key database wa
our intent with having the 540 server key database maintained in the Byte

File System.  Of course, one can use separate databases if that's require
for some reason  -- the database files and/or mount specifics just need t
be adjusted accordingly...

Mark Cibula
IBM z/VM TCP/IP Support & Development

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