On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 21:51:10 -0400, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) 
<terry.mar...@cms.hhs.gov> wrote:

>I want to start using SFS what manuals best describe how to configure
>and implement SFS fro z/VM 5.3?

I've recently published a short paper on setting up an SFS server, 
since I usually recommend that customers use SFS to manage the 
configuration files for one of my products.  


Some of the paper is specific to putting the Operations Manager config 

files in SFS, but one section is focused on the steps necessary to 
create a new SFS server and file pool.

Of course the CMS File Pool Planning books is still essential for 
management of SFS, but the paper is useful for a short list of steps 
necessary to get an SFS server up and running.

Tracy Dean

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