>Our TPF developers have developed a sudden urge for their virtual machines
>to use Crypto Express. Since this is a new topic to me, where can I find a
>tutorial on the care and feeding of the Crypto Express2 features that will
>be installed on the machine? In addition, I see that both 5.3 and 5.4
>are specific in stating that Crypto Express 2 is only supported by zLinux
>and z/OS guests. Is there anything that would preclude its being used
>by zTPF guests?
>We are currently running z/VM 5.3 on a z9. In early Jan, we will be on
>a shiny new z10 but will still be running 5.3 for whatever time it takes
>to install and test 6.1.

z/VM 5.3 and higher supports Crypto Express2 (and as of Friday Crypto
Express3) for any guest exploitation.  Not just Linux and z/OS.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

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