Proportional: Sans Serif Size:14
His looks ok in my Tbird. Here it is:
--- clip ---
> > I still didn't get my answer. Are they temporary dasd ?

Oh, you wanted *answers*. That’s door 12b down the hall. This is arguments…8-)

Sorry – it’s been one of those days.

As others noted, they’re placeholders that some magic code in the two products mentioned use to access various things in the CP directory and otherwise do things that Man Was Not Meant To Know. It’s safe to leave them as they are and go on about your merry way.

--- eclip ---


Jim Bohnsack wrote:
I use Mozilla Thunderbird as my email program and David's email below is greek to me. If you are seeing it in readable text, let me know what kind of font or viewing option you use. I see a string of mixed case alpha and numeric characters, right and left aligned.


David Boyes wrote:
DQo+IEkgc3RpbGwgZGlkbid0IGdldCBteSBhbnN3ZXIuIEFyZSB0aGV5IHRlbXBvcmFyeSBkYXNk ID8gDQoNCk9oLCB5b3Ugd2FudGVkICphbnN3ZXJzKi4gVGhhdOKAmXMgZG9vciAxMmIgZG93biB0 aGUgaGFsbC4gVGhpcyBpcyBhcmd1bWVudHPigKY4LSkNCg0KU29ycnkg4oCTIGl04oCZcyBiZWVu IG9uZSBvZiB0aG9zZSBkYXlzLiANCg0KQXMgb3RoZXJzIG5vdGVkLCB0aGV54oCZcmUgcGxhY2Vo b2xkZXJzIHRoYXQgc29tZSBtYWdpYyBjb2RlIGluIHRoZSB0d28gcHJvZHVjdHMgbWVudGlvbmVk IHVzZSB0byBhY2Nlc3MgdmFyaW91cyB0aGluZ3MgaW4gdGhlIENQIGRpcmVjdG9yeSBhbmQgb3Ro ZXJ3aXNlIGRvIHRoaW5ncyB0aGF0IE1hbiBXYXMgTm90IE1lYW50IFRvIEtub3cuIEl04oCZcyBz YWZlIHRvIGxlYXZlIHRoZW0gYXMgdGhleSBhcmUgYW5kIGdvIG9uIGFib3V0IHlvdXIgbWVycnkg

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