MSGD might should just be re-written with Pipes. The protocol is
really easy. (You could possibly skip the IDENT support if you control
the clients.) See the RFC:

On 2009-12-02, Thomas Kern <> wrote:
> I have MSGD running, but with our reduced workload, it is not doing much at
> all. I have not seen problems with it.
> But anyway, I have sent you a copy of RXWAIT VMARC separately.
> Good Luck.
> /Tom Kern
> On Wed, 2 Dec 2009 12:55:38 -0600, Koerner, Arthur <>
> wrote:
>>Is anyone out there running the MSGD code under z/VM 5.3 or 5.4? We have it
> installed on a few test systems and are able to pass several messages back
> and forth before it stops working. Some preliminary traces are pointing to
> the REXXWAIT Module. I've searched the list archives and have found that
> there is also a RXWAIT program that may be a replacement for REXXWAIT. I
> have not been able to download RXWAIT from the University Of Victoria. Does
> anyone have a copy they would be willing to send? Any documentation? Other
> thoughts?
>>Thanks in advance.
>>Art Koerner

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-- R;   <><

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