On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:03 PM, Daniel P. Martin

> Slashdot Article:
> "IBM has released a new mainframe server that doesn't include its z/OS
> operating system. This Enterprise Linux Server line supports Red Hat or
> Suse. The system is packaged with mainframe management and virtualization
> tools. The minimum processor configuration uses two specialty mainframe
> processors designed for Linux. IBM wants to go after large multicore x86
> Linux servers and believes the $212,000 entry price can do it."
> http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/09/12/09/2329211/IBMs-Newest-Mainframe-Is-All-Linux
> Corresponding CW Article:
> Computerworld -  IBM has expanded its server lineup with a new mainframe
> system designed just for Linux that may be aimed, in particular, at
> higher-end x86 systems.
> http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9142007/IBM_s_newest_mainframe_is_all_Linux_

Oy. Slashdotters rival ...well...almost nobody for their overall lack of
knowledge. It's quite amazing, really. But entertaining.

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