Hi, Steve.

IBMLIB TXTLIB contains part of the run time support (pre-LE) for the old IBM PL/I compiler for CMS. I believe it's for the OS/PL/I V2R3 compiler. Early versions of the C compiler for CMS used that run time support as well.

Now, of course, both the current PL/I ( MVS PL/I 1.1.1) and the current C compilers use LE provided run time support.


On 01/20/2010 01:03 PM, Gentry, Stephen wrote:
I'm trying to locate this TXTLIB on my z/VM 5.4 system but can't find
it.  What z/VM products would this library have been shipped with?

Further,  we use the C language infrequently and when I try to do a
CMOD, it fusses because it can't find IBMLIB TXTLIB



Dave Jones
Houston, TX

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