On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Michael MacIsaac <mike...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Carlos,
>>  how can I ftp both files to z/vm 4.4 and define lrecl 1024 and recfm f,
>> since if I do not specify nothing during ftp
>> they are ftped to A mdisk as V and 8192.
> I do a:
> ftp> bin
> ...
> ftp> quote site fix 1024
> (the quote is needed from a DOS sessions, for other FTP clients I believe
> "site fix 1024" is enough)

And if that did not work, you can correct the record format (provided
you did use BIN) with this
  PIPE < input file | fblock 1024 | > output file a f

But that does require double space during the process...


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