

At the bank I had worked for before being laid off, we used
a DR Sysconfig and Dr Directory.  We did
not have use of the whole box. Our z/VM ran under the DR centers z/VM (second
level, performance was acceptable) our z/OS and z/VSE run in separate LPARS.


Only thing you always have to remember is to keep the DR
files at you home site in sync with the configuration at the DR site up to date
so you won’t have to scramble around and DR time.  Also, ask the DR people to 
advise you well in
advance as to what hardware changes they have mae3 relative to your DR account.


Of course this should all take place during you pre test
conversations with the DR people.


Also, why don’t you make things simple and use DDR to back
up all the Linux DASD.  I haven’t gotten
my hands on a z/VM system since September but isn’t DFDSS on available on
z/OS?  With DDR you can IPL DDR off and
IPL’able tape and you are flying…DFDSS don’t you need z/OS??


Best of luck with your test.

--- On Mon, 2/1/10, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) <> 

From: Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) <>
Subject: First time DR excercise
Date: Monday, February 1, 2010, 3:03 PM




I am getting ready for my first DR exercise with z/VM and
z/Linux since we went live about a year and half ago. I am trying to figure out
some of the basic steps that need to be done. 


I am using our Production LPAR as the clone for the DR
test.  Some questions I have are: 


1.      Should
I just restore the z/VM packs at the DR site as is. That is , use the same 
and SYS CONFIG files from the Cloned Production system or should I come up with

2.      If
I use the DIRECTORY and SYS CONFIG files as is can I leave entries such as the 
packs in the SYS CONFIG and IPL, in other words will I have problem IPLING with
these page packs defined if they are not present on the DR system? Do I need at
least one page pack defined in the SYS CONFIG to come up?  

3.      I
had planned on backing up my SPOOL volumes from the Clone system and 
restoring them as is. 

4.      I
am using DFDSS on the DR z/OS floor system to restore all of the z/VM volumes.
I backed them up with DFDSS on the home production system. 

5.      We
are planning on bringing up one z/Linux guest during this test. I will backup
the z/Linux DASD using DFDSS also.  

6.      When
I INIT the packs at the DR site is there anything special I need to be aware


If there is anything else you think may be helpful please
let me know. I know there have been posts on this subject in the past but I did
not run across some of my specifics. 


Thank You, 


Terry Martin 

Lockheed Martin - Citic 

z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support 

Office - 443 348-2102 

Cell - 443 632-4191 

WFH - Wed and Fri. 




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