In the meantime, this may work:
'CP SMSG *' cmd
You may have to give the server permission to send commands to itself
- I can't remember if I had to do this or not.

On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Tracy Dean <> wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Feb 2010 07:43:45 -0600, Leland Lucius <>
> wrote:
>>Is there anyway to use GOMCMD from an EXEC that's running within an
>>Operations Manager server?  All I get so far is a return code 36.
> Leland,
> Today, Operations Manager does not allow GOMCMD to run within the
> Operations Manager servers. You have to issue the DEFSCHD in the COMMAND
> parameter of a DEFACTN statement with ENV(GOM).
> However, you are not the first to need to run GOMCMD within an action
> EXEC.  So watch for the upcoming PTF to APAR PM06671.  With this PTF you'll
> be able to do what you want.
> Tracy Dean

Bruce Hayden
z/VM and Linux on System z ATS
IBM, Endicott, NY

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