You'll probably get a bunch of answers.  The following two files make it 
easy from the command line, from an EXEC (even as a rexx function call), 
and from a Pipes stage.

Mike Walter
Hewitt Associates
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

/* Prolog; See Epilog for additional information ********************      
 * Exec Name     - DIRECTID  REXX                                   *      
 * Unit Support  - IS                                               *      
 * Status        - Version 2, Release 1.0                           *      

 /*address 'COMMAND'*/            /* <-- Not a good idea in a Pipe! */     
   parse source xos xct xfn xft xfm xcmd xenvir .          

   parse upper arg InputRange      
   If InputRange='' then InputRange='1.8'       

  'SCANRANGE REQUIRED field rest' InputRange        
   If rc<>0 then Exit rc     

  'SELECT INPUT 0'     
  'READTO in'                    /* Prime the DO loop with 1 rec.   */     
   Do while rc=0                 /* Read all the records on the pipe*/     
     'GETRANGE field VARIABLE testid' in    /* Get specified substr */     
      parse var testid w1 w2     /* In case range of 'n.n' > 1 word */     
      Do v=1 to 1     
         If w1<>'*' & w2='' then /* Not self, and not > 1 word      */     
              parse value diagrc(08,'CP LINK' testid) with ,               
                          drc dcc qid '15'x rest         
              ?cpid=(drc<>20 & drc<>52 & drc<>53)          
         Else ?cpid=0     
         If ?cpid     
            then 'SELECT OUTPUT 0'  /* Valid ID to primary stream */       
            else 'SELECT OUTPUT 1'  /* Invalid ID to secondary    */       
         If rc<>0 then Leave v      
        'OUTPUT' in     
      End v    
     'READTO in'                 /* Read one record from pipe       */     
Exit 0    
/* Epilog ***********************************************************      
 * Function      - A CMS Pipeline filter to validate userids in the *      
 *                 CP Directory from a PIPE.                        *      
 * Component of  - Hewitt Associates Pipe filters.                  *      
 * Command format- DIRECTID inputrange                              *      
 * Command format- | REXX DIRECTID <range>                          *      
 * O/P Stream 1  - Records with valid userids in the CP directory.  *      
 * O/P Stream 2  - Records with userids not in the CP directory.    *      
 * Called by     - CMS Pipeline stage (not the first stage).        *      
 * Dependencies  - CMS PIPELINES.                                   *      
 * Program Lang. - CMS REXX                                         *      
 * Date Written  - 05/25/93                                         *      
 * Author        - Michael R. Walter                                *      
 * Changed | By  | Description of Change                            *      
 * --------+-----+------------------------------------------------- *      
 * 06/04/93  MRW -Update to use diag08 vs PIPE CP QUERY.            *      
 * 06/04/93  MRW -Update to support begcol.count format.            *      
 * 06/22/94  MRW -Move 'in' variable outside quotes for 'PAM'       *      
 *               -Handle 'CONSOLE' as a userid.                     *      
 * 12/07/95  MRW -Simplify DirectID (?cpid) processing.             *      
 * 20001205  MRW -Support InputRanges as defined by Pipes.          *      
 *                                                                  *      


/* Prolog; See Epilog for additional information ********************      
 * Exec Name     - DIRECTID  EXEC                                   *      
 * Unit Support  - IS                                               *      
 * Status        - Version 1, Release 1.0                           *      

   address COMMAND     
   parse source xos xct xfn xft xfm xcmd xenvir .          
   parse upper arg parms 0 operands '(' options ')' parmrest               

   parse upper var operands testid .      
   parse value diagrc(08,'CP LINK' testid) with ,          
                     drc dcc qid '15'x rest        
   ?cpid=(drc<>20 & drc<>52 & drc<>53)       
   Call Exit ?cpid     
/*                   Sub-Routines below this point                  */     

   parse arg exitrc .     
   If verify(exitrc,0123456789)=0 then Exit exitrc          
                                  else Exit 999999          

/* Epilog ***********************************************************      
 * Function      - A REXX EXEC to validate that a given userid is   *      
 *                 in the CP Directory.                             *      
 * Component of  - Hewitt Associates tool kit.                      *      
 * Command format- If directid(userid) then say 'It is valid!'      *      
 *                                     else say 'Not in CP direct!' *      
 * Usage Note    - Using 'CP SPOOL testid' will return rc<>0 if     *      
 *                 the user has VM:Secure rule "REJECT * SPOOL".    *      
 * Called by     - REXX EXECs                                       *      
 * Dependencies  - VM/SP 3 or higher.                               *      
 * Program Lang. - CMS REXX                                         *      
 * Date Written  - 03/03/98                                         *      
 * Author        - Michael R. Walter                                *      
 * Changed | By  | Description of Change                            *      
 * --------+-----+------------------------------------------------- *      
 * 03/03/98  MRW -Port from DIRECTID REXX.                          *      
 *                                                                  *      

"Frank M. Ramaekers" <> 

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03/15/2010 02:20 PM
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Check for User...

What?s the best way to check:
1)                   UserID is valid (a user on this system)
2)                   UserID is logged on (or not)

 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.
Systems Programmer
American Income Life Insurance Co.
Phone: (254)761-6649
1200 Wooded Acres Dr.
Fax: (254)741-5777
Waco, Texas  76701
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