I was able to replicate this.
Don't use the +1 option, just use * (asterisk)
With the +1 option the virtual address that vmlink assigns starts at 1
Each subsequent issue of vmlink increments the virtual address vmlink
Guess what happens when you have 9 assigned and you add 1 to that?
The next virtual address becomes A (or technically 000A)  I guess vmlink
then assumes you want to replace your original A disk with address A.
Almost seems like there is a vmlink error but, then again, functioning
as designed.
I've never used +1, I've always used * (asterisk, star, splat, however
you refer to it).  For me, vmlink chooses the first virtual address as
120 and starts incrementing from there.  Vmlink will never, well, it's
been my experience,  define a virtual address that is already in use.
Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On
Behalf Of Alain Benveniste
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:56 AM
Subject: VMLINK behavior

My 191 is associated with the letter A...

I have added several VMLINK cmds in my profile exec in the form

VMLINK user addr <+1 A-Z RR> (TYPE

Everything goes well until the ninth vmlink cmd where my disk A is
by this last new access. Executing q disk cmd, I can see that other
could be used as new rather the letter A. Why vmlink does an overlay ?
help doesn't seem to explain this behavior... A-Z parameter doesn't work

I could suppose it to work...


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