"xedit . . . (noprof" got me started in the right direction. I thought
maybe it was a z/VM change.

'set synonym help    1 command help'
It should have been:
'set synonym help    1 help'

I can't remember when I did this it's been so long ago.

I have been using this profile for over 22 years. (I carried it from one
job to the next.) Well, maybe it will now work for another 22 years. :-)


Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
 From: Schuh, Richard
 Sent: 07/24/2010 03:13 PM
> Maybe your xedit profile is getting in the way. Try xedit fn ft fm (noprof 
> and see if it is still screwed up. It works as you expected with my profile. 
> Regards, 
> Richard Schuh 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
>> [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On Behalf Of Tony Thigpen
>> Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 6:14 AM
>> Subject: question on xedit 'help'
>> When I type 'help' on the command line, I am getting the "HELP TASK"
>> screen. My fuzzy brain says that in the past I would get the 
>> "HELP XEDIT MENU" screen since I am in xedit. Also, when I 
>> use 'HELP QUERY', I get the "COMMANDS QUERY" screen, not the 
>> help for xedit query.
>> I think I am missing a setting somewhere. Any thoughts?
>> -- 
>> Tony Thigpen

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