Rob van der Heij wrote:
On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 7:57 AM, Leland Lucius <> wrote:
Is there anyway to do it?  I've tried using MTREXX, but the threads run
after each other.  I've tried multiple stages, but they also run after each

IIRC the trackread and trackwrite stages use diagnose I/O under the
covers, so would block there. Depending on what happens in the rest of
the pipe, it may make sense to build a more complicated topology (like
with long haul IP connection with varying latency). But probably not
with CMS MT as you suggest. You probably should run multiple virtual
machines and break up the work like that (though if the disk is the
bottleneck, you're not likely to achieve much speed-up).

Yepper, I'm to the point of just doing the single threaded, but, even if the trackwrite used a DIAG, then I'd expect threading would get a chance between DIAG calls. I've tried adding a ThreadYield() in a REXX stage, but that just causes all sorts of problems.

Just out of curiosity, I think I'll try DDR before throwing in the towel...though I'm not gonna try too hard. :-)

Thanks much,


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