Thanks by the answers, but specifically this is what I want

1.- first I obtain the list of guests active.

pipe cp q n| split /,/ | specs w1 1 | locate /CMP/ | > GUESTS LISTS A

Note: "CMP" is my pattern for guests in production mode in this partition.

My lists is


2.- I am going to send  this command to each guests linux of this list

      cp send CMPWAPE1

3.- When this script finalize I need to erase this guets of the file "GUESTS
LISTS A"  AND count the elements, to know if file is empty.

4.- if file is empty  then I finish to the process and sent a message
"All the guets were process"

5.- If file isn't empty take the next guest name in file and return to step

I do not know I can realise this loop with a pipe ?

Thanks to all by your help

VIctor Hugo

2010/8/7 Hughes, Jim <>

> Nice catch.  My brain didn't get engaged while the fingers were typing.....
> _____________________
> Jim Hughes
> x5586
> "It is fun to do the impossible." Quote from Walt Disney
> ________________________________
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System on behalf of Rob van der Heij
> Sent: Sat 8/7/2010 8:48 AM
> Subject: Re: pipe question?
> On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 12:43 PM, Hughes, Jim <>
> wrote:
> > "pipe (endchar ?)  ",
> > ? < guests list a   ",
> > "|  bld:  take 1    ",
> > "| > guests list a ",
> > "? bld:   ",
> > your process follows
> You meant to "drop" rather than "take" to leave all but the first
> record in the file. But it's an elegant style to divert the record to
> process towards the end of the pipeline (so you don't forget to keep
> the remainder). And real plumbing would be to handle them all, not
> just one of them (but that's beyond the question).
> | Rob

Victor Hugo Ochoa Avila
z/OS & z/VM systems programmer
Mexico, City.

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