On Monday, 08/16/2010 at 03:54 EDT, Sergio Lima <sergiovm...@hotmail.com> 
> Hello List,
> Years ago, We wrote a lot of Assembler programs and unfortunattely lost 
all of 
> them.
> Now, We try write a sample program, and need know, if someone, have a 
> sample program, ans how get the date of the system.
>          FSOPEN    FSCB=FSCBI  

You need to check the return code in case 'CPUVM 1608 Z' doesn't exist.
> GRAVA    MVC       OUTAREA,INAREA                                    
>          LA        7,OUTAREA                                         
R7 needs to have the record number in it or a zero.  You have the address 
of OUTAREA.  That is likely a VERY large record number.  :-)
> The sample program above, had a error when try use the FSWRITE (not 
error, but 
> rc <> 0).

Knowing the return code will typically yield the answer.

Your other question was how to get the 'date of the system.'  What do you 
mean?  The date CP was built?  The current date?  Other?

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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