On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Kris Buelens <kris.buel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One of my customers is using ESAWEB.  Recently, some of their web servers
> abend some times with these messages
> 14:34:46 VSIIIH0010E TCP/IP path severed: KILL
> -9
> 14:34:46 VSIIIH0010E TCP/IP path severed: TCPIP TCPIP
> DMSHND911E An IUCV sever error occurred on path 2, iprcode=1; severing of
> other paths continues
> 14:34:46 VSIIPS0137W Shutdown of host (Default_host) has
> started
> 14:34:46 VSIIPS0137W Shutdown of host (Default_host) has
> ended
> Ready; T=31.13/35.61
> 14:34:46
> My customer has no ESAWEB messages manual, and google doesn't find
> VSIIIH0010E,

Your customer is probably looking at the wrong support staff for help
in this ;-)
>From the data that you show, I expect the web server initiated a
shutdown because the TCP/IP stack was shutdown or otherwise severed
the connection. If that's not what happened, I would suggest the
customer to get in touch with us so we can help understand whether he
runs current level and one way or the other help him getting things


Rob van der Heij
Velocity Software

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