
z10 with ESS800 should work fine point-to-point.  That config was tested a 
lot here in Poughkeepsie.  We don't have a ds4700.  It should work though.

There is some configuration that needs to be done inside linux.  You need 
to tell linux which busid (device number), target wwpn, and lun to use. If 
you are using Suse, yast has a nice setup wizard.  Have you done any 
configuration inside of Linux?  The output of lszfcp -D, and lsscsi would 
be helpful.

If you are using edevs, then you need to tell vm which device number, 
target wwpn, and lun to use.


Ray Higgs
System z FCP Development
Bld. 706, B24
2455 South Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(845) 435-8666,  T/L 295-8666

Carlos Bodra - Pessoal <> 
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
09/27/2010 10:53 AM
Please respond to


z10 shark 800 and FCP


I´m trying to connect a z10 to a shark using FCP protocol, but without 
We did some tests that are describe below:

1 - Connect z10 to shark 800 sw2 adapter with both sides defined as Ficon. 
Works fine

2 - Connect z10 to shark 800 sw2 adapter with both sides defined as FCP. 
Direct connection, no switch envolved. Didn´t work. We aren´t able to 
define open system storage in ESS Specialist. Seems that shark doesn´t 
"see" FCP adapter in z10. After reading some material (redbooks) we found 
information about that a direct connection didn´t work. Is mandatory use a 

3 - Connect z10 to shark 800 sw2 adapter with both sides defined as FCP 
and using an old IBM 2109-S16. Didn´t work. We aren´t able to define open 
system storage in ESS Specialist. Seems that shark doesn´t "see" FCP 
adapter in z10. 

4 - Connect z10 to shark 800 sw2 adapter with both sides defined as FCP 
and using an IBM 2005-B16. Didn´t work. We aren´t able to define open 
system storage in ESS Specialist. Seems that shark doesn´t "see" FCP 
adapter in z10. 

5 - Connect z10 to DS4700 via FC adapter with z10 define as FCP and 
storage defined as FC and using an old IBM 2109-S16. Didn´t work. We 
aren´t able to access open dasd. 

We checked microcode level for shark and seems to be ok. If I connect 
shark or DS4700 to an intel server, we are able to access open dasd 
without problems.

Since z10 with FCP access is new for us, any hint or tip about are 

Thanks in advance.
Carlos Bodra 
IBM zSeries Certified Specialist 
Sao Paulo - Brazil

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