In sentence two the reference is discussing how a program can either
Access records in read or write access....  I think....

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Gary M. Dennis
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 6:44 PM
Subject: Seinfeld's Contribution to the The Principles of Operation

There is only one place in z Architecture Principles of Operation where the
word substantially is used.  Even more surprising than its use is the fact
that it appears immediately before the word "accurate". My interest in the
reference bit, though passing, is sincere since I would like to hang my hat
on the validity of that indicator.  Substantially means " to a great extent
or degree".  In system z architecture, I am  unfamiliar with this level of

For your reference (no pun intended) the paragraph in z POPS is:

"The record provided by the reference bit is substantially accurate. The
reference bit may be set to one by fetching data or instructions that are
neither designated nor used by the program, and, under certain conditions, a
reference may be made without the reference bit being set to one. Under
certain unusual circumstances, a reference bit may be set to zero by other
than explicit program action."

Although Seinfeld had to have written the previous 67 words, it is possible
(age 21 at the time) for him to have contributed the original paragraph
from the 1975 POPS and simply updated the paragraph for System z.  The 1975
paragraph follows.

"The record of references provided by the reference bit is substantially
accurate. The reference bit may be turned on by fetching data or
instructions that are neither designated nor used by the program, and, under
certain conditions, a reference may be made without the reference bit being
turned on. Under certain unusual conditions, a reference bit that is on may
be turned off by other than explicit program action.

"Turned on" and "Turned off" apparently gave way to the more precise "set to
one" and "set to zero" for those so technically challenged that on/off had
lost all meaning.  Think about it; the technical writers were striving for
more precision in their description than the "thing" being described
actually provided.

Does anyone have a clue what sentences 2 and 3 (substantially) mean in
either paragraph and would anyone venture a guess as to why, after 40 years
of architectural excellence, the reference bit can't be more than
"substantially accurate"? My curiosity is killing me.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

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