We are sending z/VM monitor data to z/OS to be processed by MICS and MXG.

We are using ESALPS (zVpS?). ESAWRITE has an option to collect and compre
ss a subset of the raw 
monitor data and we then send that to z/OS. (Via Connect:Direct to make o
ur security folks 
happy.) In our case the subset is "what data does MICS want?" This is bei
ng figured out largely by 
trail-and-error on the part of our MICS people. The compression is that w
e collect data at 1-
minute intervals (as IBM intended) but ship it to z/OS compressed to 15-m
inute intervals.

Depending on how realistic your chargeback algorithms are, I would expect
 this compression to 
easily save you the cost of ESALPS/zVPS.

Alan Ackerman
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com 

Is anyone transmitting to an MVS host the VM Monitor data to be processed
 by MXG/SAS 

Derek Ackerman
Enterprise Capacity Planning
& Performance Management
Infocrossing Inc
(206) 432-9737 || C: (206) 225-3585 || derek.acker...@infocrossing.com
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