The syntax you indicate for the BFS stage is wrong.  Did it get pasted
into the message incorrectly?

You can FTP to/from BFS just fine.  I forget off the top of my head
just how to activate it.

You can mount NFS filesystems into a BFS tree.  I have used that for
years.  It is really teriffic.  When you mount the filesystem, you
must pay attention to whether or not character set translation is in
effect.  I ALWAYS turn it on or off for the whole hierarchy being
mounted.  (There is a "list" option, which I believe is the default,
where translation can be applied based on the filename.  it gets

DO NOT use NFS for general file transfer.  It looks appealing.  But it
has never worked well.  The design of the network filesystem protocols
has never been tuned for bulk transfer.  This has nothing to do with
the implementation, CMS or some other.  The underlying NFS protocol is
not well suited to heavy content transport.

-- R;   <><

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 02:56, Alain Benveniste <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a way to reduce a step to send a file.
> The long method is :
> "pipe tape !> a a a1" then use FTP in binary mode to send it to windows
> The short method I would like to see it working :
> "pipe tape ! bfs a a a1 " (avoid to create file to use FTP) to send it to NFS
> I tried many options like doing a openvm mount with translate posix and 
> adding a a 'specs 1-* 1
> x0d15 n' before the bfs step. I have a set input/output off too. But the 
> structure of the output files
> when comparing them is not the same.
> Any idea ?
> Alain

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