> I have received the following update to your WAVV201006 Requirement.
> Karen mentioned 2 MR's so I found them and copied their abstracts for
> review. MR0817102353 belongs to you.
> User Group Number - MR0817101658 WAVV201006
> Document Status - Rejected
> Title - Provide method to reinitialize degaussed tapes
> IBM does not intend to provide a solution to this request for the following
> reason:
> Karen Thompson  -
> The IBM 3590 and 3592 hardware does not have this capability.   Customers
> must depend on a data security erase function instead.
> Please follow the status of Recognized requirements MR1209091823 &
> MR0817102353 instead.
> MR1209091823
> Display of HUB time in TEP
> The display of the HUB time is only ever displayed in 12 hour format.  For
> example if the TEMS OS reports 15:00 in the TEP workspace it will show
> 03:00.
> Customer would like the option to set the display time to 24 hours as well
> MR0817102353
> WAVV201007
> Provide DSE option on CMS TAPE
> Provide a way to invoke the data security erase (DSE) function of modern
> tape drives from CMS

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