Here my QREASON EXEC, it looks in the online help, fot both the specific as
the command reasoncodes:
/* This exec extracts CSL reason codes from the help files and displays
   the reason's explanation on the console
    | format:  | QREASON reason <routine>                       |
    |  or:     | QREASON routine reason                         |
   If "routine" is not given, we only scan for common reasoncode
   Examples QREASON 95600 DMSCLOSE
            QREASON DMSCLOSE 95600
            QREASON 2000

11 Aug 1998: support the layout of DMSPURWU's reason codes
18 Aug 2003: support layout of DMSEXIST reason codes
  Written by: Kris Buelens IBM Belgium; 8 Jun 1998*/

address command

parse upper source . . myname mytype . syn .
parse upper arg reason routine .

if reason='' then call ErrExit 5,'Reasoncode to explain missing',,
   'Format is:' myname 'reason routine'

if Datatype(reason,'A') & Datatype(routine,'W') then
   parse upper arg routine reason .

if ^Datatype(reason,'W') then call ErrExit 5,'Reasoncode "'reason'" not',
   'numeric','Format is:' myname 'reason routine'

If routine<>'' then do
   Found=ScanHelp('ROUTINE' routine,'Routine' routine)
   Scanned='in routine' routine
If ^found then do
   Found=ScanHelp('ROUTINE REASCODE','Common Reason code')
   if Scanned='' then Scanned='in common reasoncodes'
                 else Scanned=scanned 'nor in common codes'
If ^found then Call ErrExit 55,'Nothing found for reason' reason scanned,


ScanHelp: /*                                                       */
   '|   FromLABEL  +----------'||,
   '|   FROMTarget PICK W2 == /Severity/',
   '|   FROMTarget PICK W4 == /Reason/',
   '|   FROMTarget PICK W6 == /Description/',
   '|   VAR FoundStart',
   '|   FromTarget LOCATE W4 /'reason'/',
   '|   ToLABEL  +----------'||,
   '|O: FANOUT',
   '|   TAKE',
   '|   SPEC FS || /---' arg(2) '---/ 1 F2 strip nw F3 strip Nw /-/ nw',
   '|   PAD 73 -',
   '|I: FANIN',
   '|   CONS',
   '|   SPEC FS || F4 1| not chop 1',
,/*    '|   STRIP| JOIN * / /|SPILL 73', */
 If rc<>0 then Say '+++ Help for' arg(1) 'not found ++++++'
 If symbol('FoundStart')<>'VAR' Then say 'HELP file' arg(1),
    'has layout not undestood by'  myname mytype
return foundit

ERREXIT: /* general errorexit routine */
 parse upper source . . myname mytype . syn .
 do i=2 to arg()   /* give errormessages (if any) */
    say myname':' arg(i)
 exit arg(1)

2010/11/8 Bruce Hayden <>

> 97400 is one of the "common reason codes" documented in the CPI
> communications reference.  It says:
> Sever condition returned from APPC/VM communication request.
> If your application receives this reason code intermittently, but the
> file pool is still available and other commands work correctly, the
> file pool server may be improperly configured. Notify your file pool
> administrator of this condition. (Ask the administrator to check the
> USERS start-up parameter value.)
> I found it quickly by just putting 97400 into the z/VM Information
> center where you found DMSWRDBK documentation.
> On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Moore, Terry A. <>
> wrote:
> > I have a pipe filter that has been running successfully for years.  Today
> it
> > began to experience the error shown below.
> >
> > PIPSFS733E Return code 12 reason code 97400 from
> > PIPMSG004I ... Issued from stage 4 of pipeline 1 name
> > "NoDB_Snd".,
> >
> > I found a list of DMSWRDBK reason codes at
> >
> ,
> > but 97400 is not listed.  I've looked for obvious things.  There is
> plenty
> > of space in the filepool and the userid is only at 55 of its limit.
> >
> > Terry A. Moore
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> > This message and any attachments are intended for the individual or
> entity
> > named above. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not
> forward,
> > copy, print, use or disclose this communication to others; also please
> > notify the sender by replying to this message, and then delete it from
> your
> > system. The Timken Company / The Timken Corporation
> --
> Bruce Hayden
> z/VM and Linux on System z ATS
> IBM, Endicott, NY

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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