Depends on what "Other System" you mean, exactly.  There is Pipelines for
MVS (TSO), but I am guessing that YOU of all people KNOW that.  So are you
talking about Unix/Linux?  or maybe Windows?

You could extract the logic from 64ENCODE REXX and make REXX from it.

-- R;   <><

On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 08:19, Shimon Lebowitz <> wrote:

> Ummm... gulp... because it needs to run on the OtherSystem.
> (Please don't tell me that pipes are available there too. We spent months
> trying to
> verify that claim and it just wasn't possible, except as a special bid or
> something like that,
> at what was considered here a totally insane price).
> So, does anyone have an exec that does the same stuff?
> Thanks
> Shimon
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 2:05 PM, Kris Buelens <>wrote:
>> Why is a PIPE stage not good?  You can wrap an exec around it, or
>> ...anything possible with CALLPIPE/ADDPIPE
>> 2010/12/27 Shimon Lebowitz <>
>> Base64 Encode, like the 64encode pipe stage.
>>> Thanks!
>>> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Les Koehler <>wrote:
>>>> Do you mean a base64 encode? Or 64 bit encode?
>>>> Les
>>>> Shimon Lebowitz wrote:
>>>>> Is there a 64encode EXEC (not pipe stage) hanging around anywhere,
>>>>> or do I need to write my own?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Shimon
>> --
>> Kris Buelens,
>> IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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