Here's my HOLIDAYS exec.  It can also pass back the list of holidays to 
a calling program.  You can tweak the holidays computed to match your 
local holidays ... Perry
 *   Find on what days the statutory holidays for a given year 
 *   will be taken. 
  arg year . 
  year = strip(year) 
  if \validate(year'0101','S') then do 
    say "You must provide a positive year of the form  nnnn" 
    return 4 
 * New Years Day 
 * January 1st (unless a weekend) 
  nyd = date('B',year'0101','S') 
  if nyd//7 > 4 then 
    nyd = nyd + (7 - (nyd//7))  /* move to Monday */ 
  holidays.1 = nyd "New Years Day" 
 * Good Friday (Friday before Easter Sunday) 
 * Easter Monday (Monday after Easter Sunday) 
 * In order to figure out these two we figure out Easter Sunday. 
 * These calculations are adapted from those in the paper 
 * Calendrical Calculations from Software Practice and Experience 
 * Volume 20(9). 
 * Easter Sunday is defined as the first Sunday after the first 
 * full moon occurring on or before the vernal equinox. Read the 
 * paper for more details. 
  cent = (year%100) + 1          /* what century we're in */ 
  epact = ((year//19)*11)+14+,   /* Nicaean Easter rule */ 
          -((cent*3)%4) +,       /* adjusted for Gregorian */ 
          (((cent*8)+5)%25) +,   /* adjusted for Metonic cycle */ 
  epact = epact//30 
  adj_ep = epact 
  if (epact = 0) | ((epact = 1) & (10 < (year//19))) then 
    adj_ep = adj_ep + 1          /* adjusted for 29.5 day months */ 
  es = date('B',year'0419','S') - adj_ep + 7   /* Paschal moon */ 
  if es//7 <> 6 then 
    es = es - (es//7) - 1        /* force back to previous Sunday */ 
  holidays.2 = es-2 "Good Friday" 
  holidays.3 = es+1 "Easter Monday" 
 * Queen's Birthday (aka Victoria Day) 
 * first Monday on or before the 24th of May 
  qbd = date('B',year'0524','S') 
  qbd = qbd - (qbd//7)  /* force to previous Monday */ 
  holidays.4 = qbd "Victoria Day" 
 * Dominion Day (aka Canada Day) 
 * July 1st (unless a weekend) 
  dd = date('B',year'0701','S') 
  if dd//7 > 4 then 
    dd = dd + (7 - (dd//7))  /* move to Monday */ 
  holidays.5 = dd "Canada Day" 
 * BC Day 
 * First Monday in August 
  bcd = date('B',year'0801','S') 
  if bcd//7 <> 0 then 
    bcd = bcd + (7 - (bcd//7))  /* move to Monday */ 
  holidays.6 = bcd "BC Day" 
 * Labour Day 
 * First Monday in September 
  ld = date('B',year'0901','S') 
  if ld//7 <> 0 then 
    ld = ld + (7 - (ld//7))  /* move to Monday */ 
  holidays.7 = ld "Labour Day" 
 * Thanksgiving Day 
 * Second Monday in October 
  td = date('B',year'1001','S') + 7 
  if td//7 <> 0 then 
    td = td + (7 - (td//7))   /* move to Monday */ 
  holidays.8 = td "Thanksgiving Day" 
 * Remembrance Day 
 * November 11th (unless a weekend) 
  rd = date('B',year'1111','S') 
  if rd//7 > 4 then 
    rd = rd + (7 - (rd//7))  /* move to Monday */ 
  holidays.9 = rd "Remembrance Day" 
 * Christmas Day 
 * December 25th (unless a weekend) 
  cd = date('B',year'1225','S') 
  if cd//7 > 4 then 
    cd = cd + (7 - (cd//7))  /* move to Monday */ 
  holidays.10 = cd "Christmas Day" 
 * Boxing Day 
 * December 26th (unless a weekend) 
 * (basically the day after Christmas) 
  bd = cd+1 
  if bd//7 > 4 then 
    bd = bd + (7 - (bd//7))  /* move to Monday (or Tuesday) */ 
  holidays.11 = bd "Boxing Day" 
  holidays.0 = 11   /* count of holidays */ 
  parse source sysname call_type . 
  if call_type = "COMMAND" then do 
    do i = 1 to holidays.0 
      parse value holidays.i with date name 
      say date('W',date,'B') date('N',date,'B') "is" name 
  end; else 
    if sysname = "CMS" then 
      '| STEM HOLIDAYS. 1' 
      say "Use a decent operating system" 
return 0 
  signal on syntax name invalid_date 
  call date arg(2),arg(1),arg(2) 
  return (1==1) 
  return (0==1) 

Perry Ruiter

----- Message from "Buettner, Wolfgang" <> 
on Wed, 29 Dec 2010 14:42:04 +0100 -----
Movable Feasts

We have some services which should be up during normal working hours only, 
i.e. not on weekends and not on public holidays either.
Could be done by WAKEUP, but ... 
How to code movable feasts like Easter Monday and others depending on the 
first full moon in spring?
I know the formula is complex, so I believe it would be very much simpler 
to get those dates from an actual calendar and hard-code them each year 
than to write a REXX.
Any other ideas? 
Thank you and a Happy New Year,

Software AG – Group Executive Board: Karl-Heinz Streibich 
(Vorsitzender/Chairman), Arnd Zinnhardt, Mark Edwards, David Broadbent, 
Josef Bommersbach, Dr. Wolfram Jost, Kamyar Niroumand, Ivo Totev 

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Management Board: Karl-Heinz Streibich (Vorsitzender/Chairman), David 
Broadbent, Dr. Wolfram Jost, Arnd Zinnhardt; - Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender/ 
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Andreas Bereczky - 


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