It depends on the microcode on your z/9 processor. Prior to a microcode 
upgrade, we were able to run OS/390 2.10 under z/VM. After the microcode 
upgrade, OS/390 2.10 would run very slowly under z/VM.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Rob Holtz
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: VSWITCH

I realize that this is a year old but I am trying to get a definitive answer 
about the earliest release of z/OS that will successfully use a VSWITCH as a 
We sometimes have to resurrect an old z/OS release to solve a customer issue.  
I have been successful with z/OS 1.4 but now we have a z/OS 1.3 issue and I can 
not get z/OS 1.3 to work with a VSWITCH.
I was able to build a hipersocket VLAN and got the z/OS guest to work using 
that but am curious about the minimum level of z/OS that works with a VSWITCH.  
Our VM host is at z/VM 5.4 at RSU 1003 so it is current in so far 
as what can be run on a z/9 processor.    
Thanks, Rob 

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