On Monday, 04/04/2011 at 10:02 EDT, Richard Troth <vmcow...@gmail.com> 
> It's good that native Linux is an option, but it's rare
> that I would recommend it.

That's just a reflection of the application workload you have encountered. 
 Lucky, you.  :-)   There are workloads that consume resources on a scale 
that makes them unsuitable for z/VM since, as you've pointed out, z/VM's 
sweet spot is sharing resources.

But I don't blame z/VM.  These "cyberdraculae" aren't suitable for ANY 
kind of "soft partitioning" hypervisor.  They consume every resource you 
give them which only makes them want more.  They're like being in a little 
shop of sci-fi horrors.   "Feed me!"  So you put them in a proper 
containment system with level 5 force fields that can limit the effects of 
their ... appetites ... without creating trouble for the Good Dobees.

"Please stay away from the glass, sir...  sir?  Sir?!?  He was here just a 
moment ago watching The Application.  Wha'?  What was that?  Did you hear 

Alan Altmark

z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
mobile; 607.321.7556
IBM Endicott

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