There is a PTF closed yesterday to fix the RED Alert ptf sent out this morning. 

Call IBM. 


----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Perez []
Sent: 04/19/2011 03:43 PM EST
Subject: Backout PTF(s) applied

Hello Listers,

What is the best way/practice to backout a ptf or ptfs that has been 
applied and PUT2PROD?

I am about to apply some service (2 ptfs) to CP and can't seem to find =

what is best way to restore my environment prior to applying the ptfs.  I=

would prefer not to restore dasd.  It would be preferrable if there is an=

exec that can revert the affected elements.  

I have heard of VMFREM?  And also heard of not using PUT2PROD but rather =

swap 490 and 190.  

Any assistance or documentation on how to backout a couple of ptfs would =

be appreciated.

Kind Regards,
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