What Q0 mainly does is keeps a VMDBK out of the eligible list.  SET QUICK
is the only externally available way of getting a guest into Q0.  Hot-sho
and lock-shot are internal settings that indicate to the scheduler that t
VMDBK should not be delayed for some reason.  For example, lock-shot mean
the VMDBK holds some lock and so we don't want to hold dispatch of that
VMDBK up in the eligible list since there might be other threads queued u
on the lock waiting for this one to release it.  If that would happen, al
of those other threads would be hung up until the one holding the lock ge
out of e-list limbo.  Similarly, hot-shot gives the user a brief boost
because the user interacted with its terminal and we want to give the
interactive user a little preference.  We don't want the user in the
eligible list during this brief boost.

Mark Lorenc
CP Development

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