On Wednesday, 06/22/2011 at 11:14 EDT, Tom Duerbusch 
<duerbus...@stlouiscity.com> wrote:
> If I had a license for VM and I DDR some full pack VSE volumes.
> Eventually I dropped the license for VM.
> Now I need to restore those VSE volumes.
> Am I licensed to be able to use the standalone version of DDR to recover 
> volumes?

<official answer>
Your obligations are set forth in the base license agreements and the 
License Information Document that came with your VM order.  If needed, 
consult legal counsel to help you interpret those documents.
</official answer>

<unofficial answer>
If you used z/VM 4.1 or later, you're fine.  Under the International 
Program Licensing Agreement terms and conditions, your license exists 
unless IBM terminates it.

The license set forth under the IBM Customer Agreement (e.g. z/VM 3.1 or 
earlier, z/OS, many VM program products) is continually renewed on a 
monthly basis.  As long as you pay the MLC, the license remains in effect.

When you no longer have a license, you must destroy all copies of the 
licensed code.
</unofficial answer>

Alan Altmark

z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
mobile; 607.321.7556
IBM Endicott

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