There is always more than one way to get to the otherside of a mountain... I
like to explore them all.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 7:24 PM, Mark Post <> wrote:

> >>> On 6/27/2011 at 05:23 PM, Tom Huegel <> wrote:
> > Another solution I thought of would be to define the mdisk to VSE (I
> suppose
> > z/OS would work too) then I could use JCL to create a file appending the
> > current LINUX partition and write a program (any language) to open the
> file,
> > write 4K records to the end. and close the file.
> >
> > Then go back to CMS for LXFMT to update the partition label.. and then
> > to LINUX to expand the file system..
> >
> > Safer than me calculating where to DDR copy to, but still a mess...
> And costing you far more of your time and machine resources than simply
> copying the data.  Don't do it.  It's almost guaranteed to fail due to the
> many layers of things you're trying to circumvent.  (ICKDSF, dasdfmt, fdasd,
> $DIETY knows what else I'm forgetting...)
> Mark Post

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