Several have said ... create a new disk.  That's your safest bet.

To actually enlarge the existing filesystem, you still have want a new
minidisk.  Two things are then needed:  4K blocks on the "new space"
(the extension), and a fixup of the CDL partition table.  If both of
those could be had, then a DDR would handle the copying.  That's in
CMS space.  If doing it from Linux land, you would 'dd' old to new.
In either case, you would then 'resize2fs' the filesys.

I will, no doubt, annoy several, but I have to say it:  This is why I
recommend "LDL" (misnomer) and don't partition.  If you have an LDL
minidisk (only in the sense that it is *not* CDL), and you use the
"whole disk" instead of the partition, then let VM enlarge it (with
the aforementioned 4K blocking) and simply ...



The process then becomes exactly like enlarging the filesystem of an
enlarged logical volume.  Easy.

-- R;   <><

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 13:35, Tom Huegel <> wrote:
> I have a minidisk that LINUX uses. It is defined and formatted h use CDL
> format.
> The MDISK is 100 cylinders but I want to expand it to 200 cylinders.
> How can I write the proper format on cylinders 99 to 199?
> The only way I found was to create another mdisk with 200 cylinders and
> format it, then DDR copy cyl 99 to 199 to my old disk.
> There must be a better way.
> Does anyone know of a utility that will format specific cylinders on a disk?
> Thanks

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