Thanks, Alan. 

I'm getting some annoying issues with RSCS printing to printers using the CUPS 
PostScript conversion (to non-PS datastreams). The separator page prints OK 
some of the time, and aborts about half-way into the page the rest of the time 
(and the job totally fails). 

>From the CUPS log, I see: 

D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Error: /undefined in a
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Operand stack:
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] c   true
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Execution stack:
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] %interp_exit   .runexec2   
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push 
  1846   1   3   %oparray_pop   1845   1   3   %oparray_pop   1829   1   3   
%oparray_pop   1723   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   %errorexec_pop   
.runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   
%stopped_push   --nostringval--
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Dictionary stack:
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] --dict:1170/1684(ro)(G)--   
--dict:1/20(G)--   --dict:94/200(L)--
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Current allocation mode is local
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] GPL Ghostscript 8.70: Unrecoverable 
error, exit code 1
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Process 3940 ending: 
"foomatic-gswrapper -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs 
-sIjsServer=hpijs -dDEV..."
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] renderer return value: 1
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] renderer received signal: 1
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Process dying with "Possible error on 
renderer command line or PostScript error. Check options.", exit stat: 3
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] error: Illegal seek (29)
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Cleaning up ...
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Killing process 3939 (KID4) with 
signal 15
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] KID3 exited with status 3
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Renderer exit stat: 3
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Process dying with "Caught 
termination signal: Job canceled", exit stat: 0
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] error: Interrupted system call (4)
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Cleaning up ...
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] 
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Closing foomatic-rip.
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Killing process 3939 (KID4) with 
signal 9
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] 
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Closing foomatic-rip.
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Renderer process finished
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Process dying with "Error closing 
renderer", exit stat: 3
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] error: Bad file descriptor (9)
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Cleaning up ...
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Killing process 3938 (KID3) with 
signal 15
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Killing process 3938 (KID3) with 
signal 9
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Error closing renderer
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] 
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] Closing foomatic-rip.
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] ready to print
D [20/Jul/2011:09:14:27 -0400] [Job 2263] End of messages

Which looks like what would happen if the Postscript code coming from RSCS is 
malformed in some way that's causing a value to be undefined.   Has anyone else 
encountered this? It doesn't seem to be linked to the type of non-PS printer 
(all the HP inkjets I have fail in the same way), but my PostScript is a little 

-- db

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