Hello Malcom,

Sorry about my mistake, even though the problem persist.

Lookl please :

Ready; T=0.01/0.01 10:08:55
CP REFRESH LOGO logo config
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 10:09:02

Any Idea?



-----Mensagem original-----
De: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] Em nome de 
Malcolm Beattie
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2011 09:26
Assunto: Re: RES: Z/VM LOGO don't refresh

Sérgio Lima Costa writes:
> When tried use the CP REFRESH command here, We have the error below :
> cp refresh logo local logo
> HCPZPM6700E File LOCAL LOGO, record 1:
> HCPZPM6701E Invalid logo configuration file statement - /////////////

The file you give to the CP REFRESH command should be the config
file which points at the various logo files, not an individual
logo file. So you would usually want

It's also worth checking that the logo file that you've changed
is actually the one that CP will choose for the logon method
you've chosen. For example, LOCAL LOGO will (in the default
configuration) only be chosen for local non-SNA 3270 terminals
(e.g. OSA-ICC or old-fashioned variants via 2074, 3174, ...)
whereas LDEV LOGO will be chosen for logons on logical devices
as allocated by, for example, your z/VM TCPIP stack.


Malcolm Beattie
Mainframe Systems and Software Business, Europe

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