On Wednesday, 08/03/2011 at 03:58 EDT, Raymond Noal <raymond.n...@emc.com> 

> If your MVS virtual machine is also your MVS operator?s console and it?s 

> running in 3270 mode, there is no z/VM ? CP log for this console. 
However, for 
> your OPERATOR virtual machine which should have console spooling started 
and is 
> a 3215 device type ? you can either logon to OPERATOR and issue the 
command ? 
> ?SPOOL CONS CLOSE CL A TO <*|USERID>. Or if you are logged on to the 
> virtual machine, issue this command ? ?FOR OPERATOR CMD CP SPOOL CONS 
> A TO MAINT?. This will close the OPERATOR?s console log and send it to 
> virtual reader where you can either RECEIVE it or just PEEK it.
> As to MVS, when you re-IPL the system, you should still have the SYSLOG 
> from the crash as either your current SYSLOG file or it?s on the SPOOL 
> where you can offload it to a disk data set.

If you configure MVS to use the integrated linemode console, all MVS 
messages will be in the virtual machine's console log.

Alan Altmark

Senior Managing z/VM and Linux Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
mobile; 607.321.7556
IBM Endicott

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