I have that.  Is it perhaps positional?  Here's what my DTCPARMS look lik

:nick.SSLSERV  :type.server :class.ssl                                   
               :Admin_ID_list.GSKADMIN MAINT TCPMAINT NCCMCV5 NTSBLJ2    
               :parms.keyfile /etc/gskadm/zlinux2.kdb                    

Here's the message:
DTCRUN1011I Server started at 08:55:21 on 4 Aug 2011 (Thursday)
DTCRUN1011I Running server command: VMSSL
DTCRUN1011I Parameters in use:

And the error:
DTCSSL300E gsk_open_database_using_stash_file() failed; rc: 0x3353009 
reason: File or keyring not found
DTCSSL127E Server shutdown has commenced

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