Since you showed yours, here's mine.  Admittedly not as pretty, but then I
don't have a user community.
It also handles being used on a service machine that has a secuser.
It reduces Frank's original exec to:

/*  */
Address Command
'PIPE Rexx SMSGRPY VMUTIL RUALIVE|Locate /IMOKAY/|Count lines|Aggrc'
Exit ^rc

Isn't this fun???

** SMSG's an arbitrary target SVM, captures responses and inserts
** into the pipeline.
Parse Upper arg tgtmach what '(' opts ')' ignored
Call InitRtn
'CallPipe (Name GetSMsgResp End ?)',
   'Literal' timeout_value,
   'Starmsg *MSG CP SMSG' tgtmach what ||,
   '|ours:Find 00000001' || Left(tgtmach,8,'_') ||,
   '|Take 1',
   '|Spec /' || msg_wait || '/ 1',
   '|Spec 17-* n',
   '|obnd:Pick 17.10 == /HCPMSG045E/',
   '|Spec /From/ 1 9.8 strip nw /:/ n 17-* nw',
Call CleanUp
Exit xRc
timeout_value = '+20';msg_wait='+1'
what = Strip(what)
Parse value Diag(8,'Q SET') with . 'MSG' wasmsg ',' . 'CPCONIO' wascpcio
',' .
iRc = 0
Do while opts <> ''
   Parse var opts opt opts
      When Abbrev('TIMEOUT',opt,1) |,
         Abbrev('DELAY',opt,3)  then Do
            Parse var opts timeout_value opts
            If Pos('.',timeout_value)=1 then
            timeout_value = '+' || timeout_value
      When Abbrev('WAITCONT',opt,1) |,
         Abbrev('WAITON',opt,1)  then Do
            Parse var opts msg_wait opts
            If pos('.',msg_wait)=1 then msg_wait='0'msg_wait
            msg_wait = '+' || msg_wait
      Otherwise popts = Strip(popts opt)
      End /* select */
If popts<>'' then what = what'('popts')'
If iRc <> 0 then Exit iRc
/*     Ensure secuser isn't directing msgs elsewhere         */
dscd = Word(Diag(8,'Q CONS'),3) == 'DISCONNECTED'
If dscd then Do
   Parse value DiagRc(8,'Q PRIV') with . '15'x . ':' myprivs . '15'x
   If Verify(myprivs,'AC','M')>0 then do_me = '*'
   Else do_me = ''
   Parse value DiagRc(8,'Q SECUSER *'),
      with . '15'x . '15'x suinfo '15'x
   Parse var suinfo . whoisit .
   If whoisit<>'not'
      then Parse value DiagRc(8,'SET SECUSER' do_me 'OFF') with .
   Else whoisit = ''
'Commit 0'  /* hot to trot */
x=Diag(8,'SET MSG IUCV' || '15'x || 'SET CPCONIO IUCV')

xRc = Rc
x = Diag(8,'SET MSG' wasmsg || '15'x || 'SET CPCONIO' wascpcio)
If dscd then if whoisit<>''
   then Parse value Diag(8,'SET SECUSER' do_me whoisit) with .

Mike Harding
z/VM System Support
(925) 926-3179 (w)
(925) 323-2070 (c)
IM: VMBearDad (AIM),  mbhcpcvt (Y!)

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 08/04/2011
10:48:04 AM:

> From: Mike Walter <>
> Date: 08/04/2011 11:07 AM
> Subject: Re: Trapping SMSG messages
> Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
> Frank,
> See below for an old, generalized, EXEC that I’ve been using and re-
> using for years to use WAKEUP reliably.  We have it in our tools
> disk, available to all  applications programmers as a sample,  using
> the WAKEUP operands I use most often.  It requires requires anyone
> using it to plug in their processing at the appropriate points.
> Mike Walter
> Aon Corporation
> The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

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