This looks good to me. Unfortunately we cannot have this product yet.
I was trying to see how much of dasd is being used by the product that
was installed under Suse Linux.

Thank you;


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On
Behalf Of Barton Robinson
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: DASD utilization question

would you be looking for something from a really good performance

  Screen: ESAHST2  Velocity Software - VSIVM4     ESAMON 3.808 08/04
  1 of 1  LINUX HOST Storage Analysis Report      NODE R* LIMIT 500
                           <-Utilization->          <-----Storage-->
                           <MegaByte>  Pct          Alloc 

  Time     Server   Index  Size  Used Full  Errors  Units Description 

  -------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ----  ------  ----- ----
  07:07:00 RMTLINUX    33   465   291 62.6       0   4096 /opt 

                       32    93    61 65.7       0   4096 / 

                       31   372   334 89.9       0   1024 /Linux-s390 

                        7    23    23  100       0   1024 Cached memory 

                        6   250     1  0.5       0   1024 Memory buffers

                        3   250   220 88.2       0   1024 Virtual memory

                        1   250   220 88.2       0   1024 Physical 
           RH5Z3161     4 10904  2966 27.2       0   4096 / 

                        3  4095    51  1.3       0   1024 Swap Space 

                        2   497   493 99.1       0   1024 Real Memory 

                        1   497   126 25.3       0   1024 Memory Buffers

           RH5Z2161     4 10904  2966 27.2       0   4096 / 

                        3  4095    51  1.3       0   1024 Swap Space 

                        2   497   493 99.1       0   1024 Real Memory 

                        1   497   126 25.3       0   1024 Memory Buffers

           RH5Z161      4 10904  2966 27.2       0   4096 / 

                        3  4095    51  1.3       0   1024 Swap Space 

                        2   497   493 99.1       0   1024 Real Memory 

                        1   497   126 25.3       0   1024 Memory Buffers

Ticona, Luis wrote:
> Is there any tool  that will allow me to display zVM DASD utilization.

> I am trying to get similar to the below information   but from a
> server running as a guest under zVM 5.4.
> q 
> disk


> MNT191 191  A   R/W   175 3390 4096      254       8934-28      
> 22566      31500
> MNT5E5 5E5  B   R/W     9 3390 4096      131       1290-80        
> 330       1620
> MNT2CC 2CC  C   R/W     5 3390 4096       60        407-45        
> 493        900
> MNT51D 51D  D   R/W    26 3390 4096      306       1575-34       
> 3105       4680
> MNT193 193  H   R/W   167 3390 4096     1093      21035-70       
> 9025      30060
> MNT190 190  S   R/O   100 3390 4096      691      14921-83       
> 3079      18000
> MNT19E 19E  Y/S R/O   250 3390 4096     1021      28225-63      
> 16775      45000
> Ready; T=0.01/0.01 20:19:56  
> I go into one of our zLinux servers running under zVM 5.4 and did the 
> same display command and the only thing I received is just
> Information about their label, vdev, mode. The stat column information

> was only OS. Didn't get info for the files, used-(%), blks left and
> total columns.
> The volumes in this server are 3390-27.
> The last thing I will attempt to do is dump these dasd to tape using 
> INNOVATION FDRABR and then get the information about the tracks being 
> dumped from the small report after the JCL job output is completed.
> Thank you;
> *                Luis Ticona*
> Management Information Systems Division
> 1 Police Plaza
> New York, NY 10038
> or 646-610-5304
> cid:image001.gif@01C911AB.7C344550

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