Sounds like an old wives tale to me.

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 5:12 AM, Phil Smith III <> wrote:

>  I sure don’t (from a comment to
> “In the '70s, IBM released a toolkit library for assembler programming on
> the 3270 mainframe, under VM. One of the routines was an assembler snippet
> which you were supposed to put at the end of programs to signify a clean
> exit: it was something like, "set register 17 to 0; quit" -- two assembler
> instructions. So programmers throughout the '70s were adding the macro for
> this to the ends of their programs. Turns out, IBM put a bug in it, so that
> it set the wrong register (a two-instruction program with a bug in it) thus
> virtually all assembler programs on 3270s written within a 10-year period
> have this bug in them: IBM was finally forced to modify VM to cope.”****
> ** **
> Of course the “register 17” is suspicious (as is “the 3270 mainframe”)…is
> this a confused reference to IEFBR14?****
> ** **
> …phsiii****

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