On Thu, Jan 11, 2007 at 06:53:28PM -0500, Karen Thomas wrote:
> It is my experience that a
> treed saddle is best to mount from the IF the tree is fairly tight which
> keeps the saddle in place.

my hrimnir slides an inch or so as i clamber up if i don't use a block.
a few small circles (a trick i was taught for the ansur) and we're back
in the middle, though.
> Even Cary, big as he is, and with knee and hip problems, can mount the
> Sensation from the ground.  He normally mounts with a block, but he can
> remount on the trail with no more trouble in the Sensation than with a treed
> saddle.

i still would like to try a sensation sometime, although i suspect that
being tall helps cary to mount -- my 6'2" husband has no problems
vaulting onto stjarni, whereas i just end up eating dust :)
> I really do think that riding in treeless
> saddles makes you face some of your weaknesses that you can ignore in a
> treed saddle.

*nod* i think that was certainly the case with the ansurs.  not only our
own weaknesses as riders, but surpassingly aware of each and every
contour of our horse's back, every time we tacked up.


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