On Sun, Jan 14, 2007 at 09:21:33AM -0700, ToltallyICE wrote:
> Vicka don't let it bother you, it's just par for the course. 

thanks, cheryl.  it doesn't bother me enough to stop me, that's for sure :)
> I've enjoyed your thoughts on semantics it's been educational for me, 
> someone who is barely able to get my thoughts put down in words!

thanks!  language is my primary passion, after ponies, and the one i've
put most of my education and professional life into.  i'm very glad to 
hear it's been useful to you.
> On the pony vs. horse thing, as I've said before I really don't care what 
> people want to call them. I prefer to call them horse, as pony for most 
> brings an image of a small, lightly built equine not capable of carrying an 
> adult, suitable only for a child or a cart.

*nod* as i've probably said a few times by now, i think that it might be 
that image of "pony" that keeps many people from wanting to use it for
iceys, who are not at all constrained to children and carts.

(that said, i call stjarni a "ponykins", but that's just me embarrassing 
my own self -- he's far too dignified to mind ;)


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