>>>> We are very pleased that someone like you purchased Skjoni from us.  We
are glad that he went to someone with the patience and ability to deal with
his problems.

Thank you Christopher, but let's get a few details straight.  First, I don't
think I bought Skjoni from you.  I have no idea who you are.  Maybe you were
his prior owner, but I was told his prior owner was a woman - but maybe that
was your wife?  No matter, I guess.  I bought Skjoni from Christine Schwartz
of the Icelandic Horse Farm - literally from Robyn Hood I suppose, but I had
my conversations about him with Christine.  Skjoni was a consignment horse,
so I had no contact at all with his prior owner, whoever it was.

>>>> That being said the only reason you were able to purchase him at such a
reduced rate...... because we certainly lost money on him.... was as brand
new horse owners we did not have the knowledge or expertise to deal with his
trust issues......

I don't know what customs you are used to in British Columbia (I assume you
are in BC - I believe that's the only place Skjoni lived prior to us buying
him), but in the southern part of the USA, we'd use the word "tacky" to
consider discussing prices on a forum like this.  So, I will not say what I
paid for him - because it's no one's beeswax.  But, he was not offered at a
"reduced price."   (Forgive me Robyn, I hope that's not too much information
to give out.)  I will say that his price was the same as virtually all the
other just-started youngish geldings on the Icelandic Horse Farm site at
that time - more than some.  I pretty much paid "market value" for him.  If
you paid more for him and then let him get away...I feel sorry for you.

.>>>> ..... It was so bad, at the end, that one breeder on this forum said
that he should be euthanized

Hmmm.  They said that from your description of what he was doing?
Coincidentally, I met someone who tried him at the Icelandic Horse Farm
before we bought him, who met him not so long after he went there.  She was
very tempted to buy him because she liked him so much, but decided on an
older horse instead I think.  She was an older rider, who described herself
as not overly brave.  But, then someone said just last summer that Tivar
should be eaten because he's three-gaited.  She'd never met Tivar, and she
is supposedly a breeder.  You hear a lot of things on these lists...  All I
will say is that I talked to Christine in depth about his alleged prior
problems and she told me she didn't have any doubt that Cary could handle
him - and boy was she right!  She told us that she thought Skjoni was
inherently an easy horse, and we agree.  Christine has never led me astray!
Christine's honesty, plus that random encounter with the not-so-brave older
woman who was taken with Skjoni made it easy for us to decide to buy him.  I
trust Christine a lot, but that other woman had no interest whether we
bought him or not - in fact, it was pure coincidence that we were looking at
him when she said that.

>>> .... For the record I would love to have him back....

I bet you would: you and lots of other people...!  :)  Seriously, I hope you
don't think sending an e-mail like this was any way to get on the list of
buyers should health or personal issues ever force us to sell him.  It

>>>> As for Gudmar..... He has forgotten more about Icelandic horses than
most of you will ever know..... I am sorry for you, that you have to trash a
man for what he says not because he is wrong or un-
knowledgeable but because you don't like what he says or simply don't
understand his culture....

I'm simply shaking my head over that one. You've totally lost me there.

Karen Thomas

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