--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, pippa258 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Virginia Tupper wrote:
> > When I think conditioning I think robotic.
> > The games in PNH, with phases, etc., they seem to be just as much
> > 'conditioning' in its own way.
> >
> > But--I'm only a newbie in everything and I could change my views after
> > more experience.
> >
> > Whatever works for my horses is what I'll use--as long as it creates a
> > healthy relationship.
> I think newbies ask the best questions and make people think!  
> I think Clinton Anderson's horses look like robots.  They seem like 
> automatons that can do amazing things with just a twitch of the rein
> there is nothing going on behind their eyes.  That is a very good point 
> that the phases are like conditioning too...
> Trish

I agree. I watched his show a few times on RFDTV. I don't understand
why he is considered a natural horseman. He's clearly not. :)

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