> Can you tell us more about the SDS product?  I believe it is your
> right?

 Hi Karen  I develop the SDS Product from 1990-2000 the story about
that is that my dauther had very,very bad Psoriasis and she was in
and out of the hospital ower 5 years all kind of treatment ,she was
very tierd of all this problem I decide to develop a natural ointment
for her and try to heal her and I did that I have photo of her and I
will put them on my new web side for human later this year.

After I had develop this healing ointment I decide to develop a
healin ointment and lotion for horses and other animals  we gan not
forget them ,so I did that to, at that time I did not know about the
SE I was only thinking about the horses here in Iceland because the
Icelandic horse get skin problem when they come home in the
autum ,MÚKK ,,is a dry skin problem under the hoof ,Hnjóskar is a
skin problem on the back of the horse and when the wether is always
changing freeze,rain,warm  the hair on the horse back will freeze and
the skin under the hair and hair will be lumpy and get an
infection ,if nothing is healing the horse then it have to put him
down, allso we have another skin problem ,,Main and tail, ,rot, the
skin get very dry under the main and tail like a dandruff and very
much itching so the hair will fall off the horse.The SDS Horse lotion
was develop for all this problem and the SDS Horse ointment was
develop for the Hoof problem and also for difficuld healing
wounds.after I hear about the SE  in the others countrys I test the
SDS horse lotion on the SE I send it to many country for testing and
it heal very ´well for the horses. so I develop  SDS Equus Herbal
shanpoo for horses with SE and dry skin .and many more product.but it
is not on the market jet but will come on the market this year I
in the year 2000 I was verry ill/cancer so I close my company ,but I
was allways thinking about my product ,my horses ,my animal /I dont
have any horse but I have a dog I love them all .so with good peoples
to help me I decide to start again a new  company ,and new name of my
product ,the new name is SE animals. www.seanimals.is
I did not  want to give up.
Thank you all I hope this will help you.
Best regards.
Sigga/Sigríður Einarsdóttir
SDS /SE animals

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