On 2/8/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>  http://www.horsetalk.co.nz/news/2007/01/021.shtml

Interesting. I read it and was thinking I am not so sure it would work
for icelandics!  nasi would not react to any of that stuff as a
weanling.  He was happy go lucky guy and still is!  My husband took
him for a walk the other day and crossing a little rural wooden bridge
with a low rail, Nasi approached the rail and looked over into the
deep flowing creek and my husband said "Whattaya think Nos-man, wanna
go for a swim?"  and he said Nasi took a step forward and pawed at the
railing like I swear to God, he thought about jumping in!

yipie tie yie yo

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