> Wanda doesn't believe that 77 degrees happens.  She's never seen it.  Remind 
> me again, Wanda: which day does your summer happen?
> Karen Thomas, NC

Oh Karen ....we have beautiful summers up here.  Good riding weather
starts in early spring (no bugs)....stays all through summer (except
for the days that are in the 90's, but then the evenings are
wonderful) (hardly any bugs)....and then the glorious fall comes
along.  Yes, our winters are cold....but the rest of the year makes up
for it.

There are hardier riders around than I am.  One lady in our driving
club has a limit of -18 with no wind.  If it goes below that, she
doesn't ride.  Now that's bravery...

I must admit I DO have cabin fever right now, so pics of anything
green and warm are a welcome sight.


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